I fear that Instagram has made me lazy with my SLR, but on the other hand, I AM capturing moments that I wouldn't normally have. Life lately has consisted mainly of errands, work, and relishing the very little time I have with Ian. Not a ton of time for crafting, but I have managed to catch some glimpses via Instagram.
1. pretty mint floors in a local flea market. 2. teepees from the Anderson Indian Festival. 3. cowgirl dress form i found while thrifting. 4. skull friendship bracelets Tori and I made together.
1. sleeping Phoebers. 2. new Jackalope pendant that i adore. 3. photo book sharing. 4. letterpress blocks from the imprint machine at work.
1. trip to the Genius Bar to have my hard drive inspected. 2. date at a gourmet cupcake shop-- deLICIOUS! 3. mailing out the invites! 4. family of little ghosties.
1. idea notebook and new planner at the ready. 2. Indiana skies on a little day trip.
I'm really glad I have this little snippets to remember this season!
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