Sunday, November 27, 2011

remember that time?

Remember that time I didn't blog for a whole MONTH!? yeah... that time was the month of November. I've had some pretty serious stuff going on in my life recently, and blogging just didn't seem like the way to go. I had a lot of stuff to deal with in the ole noggin... and I'm sure I lost lots of readers during my off-time, which makes me sad. As important as my readers are to me, i know that they will understand the need to just step away and get some perspective. I really hate taking leaves of absence on here, but it was just something I needed to do for awhile to address some stuff in my own life.

The important point to all this is that I'm here now and despite the confusing and busy parts of reality, I'm going to try to get back in the groove. Lots to do, lots to share, especially for the upcoming holidays. :) I hope you all are well!



BĂ©atrice said...

Good to see you're back! I kept checking every now and then! Happy anniversary by the way! Can't wait to read your posts again... Welcome back, take care !

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you're back dear. :) We all missed you!


Anonymous said...

yea !!! your back!!! and you didn't loose me as a follower I have been checking your blog often waiting for your return.

Everyone has bad days, weeks months and even a challenging year. We all seem to make it thru stronger then before we went into it. congrats on your one yr anniversary to Ian!

Hope you are ready soon to make a comeback w/one of your awesome classes!!

Cherie Lenore said...

So wonderful to see you back!!!

Cherie Lenore said...

So wonderful to see you back!!!

Nicole Coffin. said...

Elaine! Yay!! :D I took the whole fall off of blogging to focus on going back to school and changing jobs. Now things are settled and I'm so excited to start blogging again. I had to stop by your blog and say Hi. Happy that you are blogging again.