Sunday, November 27, 2011

One Year

Yesterday Ian & I celebrated our first anniversary! I really can't believe that a year passed already! It seems like not so long ago I was cutting out a million flowers for our napkin rings and making a million other wedding crafts. Truly, truly: it passed so fast! For anniversary gifts, Ian and I decided to start a tradition where each year we buy each other a book and write an inscription in the front cover. Someday when we're old and gray, we'll be surrounded with a library full of books with love letters to each other inside. :) We also will take a photo strip from a photobooth every year too. I'm starting a scrapbook JUST for those strips! I love traditions.

This past year we:

got married

moved into our first home together

graduated college from Ball State University

had our first holiday season as a married couple

adopted a fur baby

started paying off our student loan debt

became a great freelance photography team

finally took our honeymoon

took the Wizarding world of Harry Potter by storm

saw lots of midnight premiers

got some good use out of our new video camera

did a LOT of thrifting

took a road trip to Ohio

went to as many festivals as possible

worked our way through EVERY season of EVERY tv on DVD collection we own. (and bought more)

had money issues

had money triumphs

had lots of tears but even more laughs

told pretentious inside jokes that no one else understands

spearheaded family photos with Ian's side of the family

started planning for when we have our OWN family

appreciated takeout more than ever before

realized that 80% of our money issues are because we love takeout TOO much

started new traditions

loved each other

finally realize what all those cheesy love clichés are about

became a love story.

So Happy Anniversary to my Ian: the greatest man I've ever known and my very best friend. One year down and a lifetime of forever to go. :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, E & I! :)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to also leave you a seperate comment on this post ...

Happy one year anniversary!!! Enjoy your 2nd year with many more to come!

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

aww you guys are too cute and perfect!! i love you both!!
<3 Ann

Cherie Lenore said...

Happiest Anniversary to you both!

nova said...

That's a pretty huge year! Congratulations on all your accomplishments.