Friday, August 5, 2011

Lomo Love

Since I don't have an iPhone, I've been having a serious case of Instagram envy. Anynoe else having that issue? I still find my ways to get cute Lomo images. <3 Here's some photos from my cell from the past few days:

I'll be back tomorrow with some extra special for all you Potter lovers out there!


Alexandra Rae said...

Duuuuude. The painting in the top picture?!?!? LOVE IT. is that yours?!?!?

mel said...

Oh I just wrote about not having an iphone too. Especially now that there are cool printing sites that make stickers and mini books, but only if you have the app!
I may buy one used and not hook it up as a phone, just use wifi, lol.
I also love the top shot - gorgeous texture on that canvas!