Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

post Easter treat?

He is risen! Happy Easter to all my blog pretties! I hope your day is filled with family, love, and a chocolate egg or two. :)

Also, there's still time to sign up for Ink Blots Online Class! It starts exactly a week from now and some of the students are ALREADY getting their create on! I would LOVE to have you!

1 comment:

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

i thought you didn't like peeps?! ha ha. but they look delicious. well your taste buds and allergies change every 7 years. lol. i tried a beet at Easter and it wasn't so bad after all. just has a boiled egg taste to it. hmm, interesting. well love you and miss you and i want to see you soon. maybe i can stop by when i go home this weekend or something like that. kiss kiss.
