Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trial and Error

This is a list of things that I, K. Elaine Read, have always wanted to try. Random things from all gamuts of life, but desired nonetheless! Enjoy!

1. I've always wanted to try Bubble tea! But I don't know where to find it around here?

photo from holly.

2. I've always wanted to try glass bead-making. As a jewelry lover, it seems like something I should do!

3. I've always wanted to try being on a design team for a scrapbooking company. I think it would be very inspiring and challenging to be a DT member for like... Hambly or something.

photo from hambly blog

4. I've always wanted to try wearing a romper. But I just wasn't sure how one would look on me.

photo from wearpalettes

5. I've always wanted to try visiting Hawaii. My sister's been there and she said I would ADORE it.

photo from Elise Blaha

6. I've always wanted to try making my own fortune cookies. I would love putting cute little messages inside. :)

photo from

7. I've always wanted to try customizing my Blythe doll. One step at a time!

photo from

8. I've always wanted to try riding a vespa. European style! <3

photo from

9. I've always wanted to try using a Beadazzler. I would put studs on EVERYTHING!

photo from

So what have YOU always wanted to do!? Post this on YOUR blog!!!


Jamie said...

Great list! Love this post! This is something I'm going to think on! I'm sure my list is huge!

PaperCameraScissor said...

I see a lot on this list I would love to try too!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'll be posting this on my blog very soon.

Anonymous said...

awww...I adore this list! I am definitely have to think about this and repost!

<3 B