Tuesday, April 20, 2010

as promised

thrifted goodies and my skirt. We went to a few flea markets on Saturday which turned out to be busts, but we didn't forget to stop by our favorite local thrifts and goodwill. Here's the vintage dress I scored:

It's kind of really crappy fabric, but it was just so cute! It definitely calls for leggings though because it is SEE THROUGH, baby! haha I tried it on at the thrift store, walked out to show Tori, and she could see my pretty brocade underwear through it. hahaha

I also found a little fawn on my adventures Saturday (the one laying down in front:

My deer all love each other. :)

Soooo this actually isn't really a better photo of my skirt that I made, but it was my wardrobe remix photo for yesterday, so I thought I'd share.

It's a wrap-around with a GYNORMOUS tie that makes a GYNORMOUS bow that I love. :)

*side note: I think it's funny that the only fabrics I ever go for in fabric stores are the ones that are in the clearance section. I guess no one else likes the quirky vintage-looking pieces that I love? My mom always says: "Elaine-- there's a REASON those are in the sale section, honey." hahaha she thinks I'm crazy.

I'll be back later today with my fashion loves at the moment! Is everyone pumped about spring fashion!?


Alexandra Rae said...

Love it! It looks ADORABLE! and I love love love the skirt!

Allison Drew said...

Ha. I think your fabric choice is perfect! And your skirt is adorable!

Unknown said...

super Cute!! ahhh


mel said...

bah humbug to your mom. ha ha.
i always buy clothes and fabrics from the sale racks. i love the skirt you made :)

PaperCameraScissor said...

Oh my gosh I remember my grandma having that silver deer.

I had to enlarge your photo of your dress and necklace. I thought the necklace had gold flakes in it--LOL

Love the necklace and the little deer. I am going to post about my finds tomorrow.

I also love the skirt you made.

Amy said...

wow! you are so talented lovey! that skirt is perfect!!!