Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year's Wishing Star

2013 is off to a golden beginning. So far I've been catching up on things that I've been wanting to do and having some cliché "me time." :) Can't say I'm sorry about that!

Things I've been up to for the first few weeks of 2013:

*working on my new Project Life album
*ordering the Seafoam Kit too-- eep!
*sleeping in (Sssh! Don't tell!)
*lots and LOTS of reading
*journaling about those books (blog post idea? thoughts?)
*cleaning, organizing, and purging our apartment
*taking extra shifts at work when I can
*snuggling my kitty
*having double dates with old friends
*setting goals and making plans with my husband for the year to come!

Is it too late to share New Year's goals and plans? I missed the train on that one last week, but I might still share if y'all are interested? Few ideas in the works comin atcha! (hopefully soon!!)

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