Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thrill of the Thrift

Been thrifting lately and I've had some awesome finds!

Vintage tea towel in PERFECT condition! Look how pretty the colors are! Plus those lovely vintage Breyer horses that I love so much. (A new collection that's going to be the death of me I'm sure.) I also snagged a pretty old pincushion, some old vintage children's books, and a whole collection of swizzle sticks! They're from all different places around the world and all vintage! <3

I've got all sorts of things on my thrift list that I look for every time I go thrifting. I love the thrill of the hunt! My recent obsession has been dollhouses and antique ring boxes! What are things that you seek when you go to thrift stores?


1 comment:

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

wow this is super cute!! i will start looking for these horses for you!! lol. jk. maybe one or two of them. he he.
well love you and miss you!!

ps sorry i couldnt come over last weekend :(