Friday, September 2, 2011

oh you know...

Been CRAZY around here this week! The Christian Center acquired an estate of this community woman that died and in it was HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of vintage pieces! She was going to open a store, but died before she was able to accomplish it. That left me to the task of sorting through this massive amount of clothes to pick and choose pretties for the Red Door Vintage fall clothing line.

So with the help of Tori, I've spent the last 3 days submerging myself in vintage fashion! We have looked at probably close to 400 pieces one by one and hand picked the best ones to showcase in the fall line. (And we're only halfway done sorting!) Here are some listings that have been posted already for shoppers:

The Neon Garden Crochet Shawl

The Mint to Be Maxi Vest

The Bicycle Dream Cropped Sweater

This season is quickly becoming so inspiring! I'm ready to accomplish tasks that have been pushed to the bottom of the pile. I'm ready to develop the vintage shop for the Christian Center and above all, I'm just ready to be creatively free. <3 Please take some time to check out Red Door Vintage and help a great cause!

P.s. All the modeling was done by the lovely Victoria Thomas! Isn't she a treasure? :)

1 comment:

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

Very pretty!! You do such a great job. and tell Tori she is beautiful!!