Friday, September 2, 2011

What I've been up to.


Aside from playing vintage dress up this week, I've been busy making my apartment beautiful for fall time. I know, I know... I know what you're going to say: "But its not even fall yet!" True. But I'm just so TIRED of this ridiculously HOT weather that I'm just trying to surround myself with autumn things and think cool weather and crunchy leaves. :) Here's some home inspiration I've been using from my Home Front pin board on Pinterest.

All links and sources can be found through my Home Decor Pinboard! Follow me while you're at it! :)
Can't wait to share photos soon of the pretty home!


larisaa said...

I love all these ideas! You have great taste. I have been such a slacker on pinterest lately. i need to get back on there and inspire myself.

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

wow these are cool and neat ideas!! gave me some ideas to decorate MY room at school!! sweetness!!
i love you laney jane!!