I've been doing Ali Edward's Week in the Life 2011 and I've been enjoying it SO much! I had every intention of sharing my photos every day, but life got in the way and that's OK! :) So I'm going to share each day's photos in a different post. I think I"ll do what Elise is doing and put a little description of my day at the bottom. Better late than never, right? Also, I got started a day late because I had some major stuff happen on Monday, so I'm going until Saturday!
Woke up around 10:30. Checked the internet on the couch. Slice of homemade bread and butter for breakfast. Started right in on job applications. Got 2 of them filled out in an hour or so while batting Phoebe away the whole time. Watched LOST with Ian for awhile. Got through about 2 episodes before he had to get ready for work. Hopped in the shower. Said goodbye to him before his 5 hour shift. Got dressed for real this time. Tidied up a bit. Took inventory of the household products and made a grocery list. Took measurements of our hall cabinets to get organization totes for. A friend from work stopped by to give me back my house key since she was our weekend "cat-sitter." Left for town. Dropped off an application at Bath & Body Works. Returned my work keys to Claire's. (That was awkward.) Went to Target for grocery shopping. Came home and put away the groceries. Filed all the random papers laying around the house and tossed junk mail. Caught up on some YouTube video subscriptions. Started dinner (pizza!) while waiting on Ian to get home. Did my daily Bible study. Ate dinner with Ian and continued LOST. Cuddled on the couch. Stayed up until 4 AM finishing the series, then finally went to bed.
Quick dry nail polish is the best.
I love your owl tote bag!!!
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