2010 was very busy, full of milestones, and VERY stressful. But I still loved it. 2010 was good to me. A lot of my rights of passage were made in 2010. I wanted to just recap some fun things that happened this past year.
Took lots of inspiring pictures.
Got my precious Instax Mini!
Had fun times with my sister, Anna. <3
Got pretty flowers.
Spent my last months in a college dorm.
Got my first car and named her Luna.
Played with dolls. haha
Spent time with my wonderful family.
Took a trip to Florida.
Found my perfect magical wedding gown.
Lounged by the pool on days off.
Played with the baby goats at Nana's house. <3
Room decor overhaul at Ian's House.
Made cute plushies!
Got a perfect job at Claire's!
Planned a wedding.
Started a charity vintage shop online.
Had an etsy update with lots of good ideas.
Surrounded myself with pretty things.
Bought our first apartment together!
Turned 23 years old.
Married the love of my life. :)
Became a redhead.
2010 was a good year, but I'm getting an excellent vibe from 2011. The wedding is over, college is over, and I have time to accomplish things I've been wanting to do my entire life. I'm eager for 2011, the best year yet, to start.
Bring it on!
sounds like one AWESOME year. :)
I totally love that floral cardigan you are wearing with in that pic with your camera. Loooove it!
So glad I found your blog!
hey! just wanted to say i love your blog and it's totally random how i found it... but i thinkkk we're from the same town? that looks like a herald journal news stand in your license branch pic! :)
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