Monday, November 1, 2010

The inspo orphanage

So I decided to raid my inspiration folder on my desktop and see what was inside. It's like an orphanage of random pics misplaced from their original blogs that give me butterflies and makes my heart flutter with giddiness to create things! Forgive me that I don't have original links back to these, but let me know if you have the original source! I will be more than happy to add it!




So yummy. I need to hurry up and get married so that I have time to do something for myself for a change! haha Just to give you a peek into the coming week, here are a few things that are coming up on the blog:

*finished apartment tour
*pre wedding update
*recent sketch pages
*possible artist feature
*also... I'm taking requests!

So hit me up in the comments if there's something you want to see on the blog. Also, stay tuned because this is going to be a whirlwind month for me! Can't wait to share it with you!


Rachel - Firebird said...

Pretty pretty images. I particular love the sentiment of 'I'm just going to wear a dress'

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

very cute elaine!! i miss you!!
Love you too!!

Kristi said...

About once a week I see something that makes me want to redo my wedding...those sock monkeys are one of those things!

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

since you are taking request, can you do a blog about your awesome maid of honor/ sister?! ;) i would like know more info about her. (lol) love you!!
