Thursday, November 4, 2010

Apartment Tour//Part 1

So I have decided to break up the tour of my apartment into 2 parts. I have so many little details I want to share and it would be a lot for one blog post. So without further ado, here is part one of our new apartment. :)

So those are some little details from the living room and kitchen. I love how things are coming together! Having the apartment is the best money I've ever spent. It is SO nice to actually have some space to move around, contrary to the last 5 years. haha We are enjoying it SO much. It's a lot of work to keep up with the apartment along with all the other things we are obliged to each day, but it's been really rewarding and refreshing! More pics to come!



miss teacups said...

omg omg omg it's SO freaking cute elaine. i loooove it. i love all of the cute little details. i can't wait to have more space too...i am ITCHING to move out of the loft we're currently in.

oh and i am in LOVE with the colours you chose for the living room. you did such a good job!!

Allison Drew said...

Oh my goodness! It's SO SO cute. You have such great style.

pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

i spy with my lil eye.... that CREEPY SPOOK DOLL!! ahh. ha ha. she is in your pics again. cReEpY!! lol.


Nicole Coffin. said...

your apartment is amazing! I love it so much!!