Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Etsy Says: Falltime!

Pretty simple post tonight: cutie fall etsy finds! Someone buy me these things. K thanks. haha

vintage cases

Pretty Prints

sparrow pendant (I just got this in blue!!!)

Squirrel trinket bowl

Woodland plushies!

Kitschy Ghost ring

Lots going on this week including test-taking, knitting, packing for my flight to Orlando on Friday, and lots and lots of work shifts. I have SO many things I need to photograph and blog about! It's going to be my personal goal in the next few days to MAKE. THAT. HAPPEN! Love to all my little robots out there!


pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

OMG!! super cute!! i love all the ideas. love you much!!

Tiffany said...

OMG! I have my grandmother's sewing box like that in blue!! I am so going home and decorating it tonight!! VERY cute!