+loving the movie Whip It.
+in a state of cycling panic about not having a job this summer.
+wishing i lived near Bowling Green, OH. ;)
+drinking Coca-Cola Classic.
+up to my ears in addressing and putting stamps on Save the Date cards.
+excited about Survivor tomorrow night.
+also excited about going to the midnight showing of Iron Man 2 with two geeks tomorrow. NERD ALERT!
+getting back into wearing lipstick. Pretty sheer shades=love for summer.
+wanting to make new blog friends. If you've never commented, say hi!
Move to Bowling Green, OH right now pleaaaaaase! We could have sooooo much fun!! Confession: My friend wanted to go IKEA this summer, so I looked up how far it was from home (Mansfield) and on the map, I could see Muncie, and I got really excited. :-)
Am in total agreement about numbers one and two on your list! Whip it made me smile for ages after, and inspired me to dust off my running shoes (am wayyy to unbalanced to skate!) and if I don't get a job soon, I have no idea what I'll do with myself!!!
Hope you have a good Thursday!! xx
I haven't seen Whip It just yet but I really want too!!
Have a lovely day!
Sasha :)
Hello! I don't think I've ever commented on your blog before, but I love it. So cute and crafty and awesome!
I don't think I've ever commented. Soooo, HI! Be sure to let us know if Iron Man was any good. :)
hi! :)
the idea of wearing cute sheer shades of lip stick in the summer sounds lovely.
i thought you were working at old navy?? what happened to that?!
i thought you were working at ON?!
hey...i'm not a newbie to your blog but i wanna say HI!
Hi Elaine! Never commented before - Keep craftin' - it's been fun reading about your upcoming weddin'. :)
Hi Elaine!
I've never commented on your blog before but I've been following for a while both here and on flickr where you post such lovely pictures of your drawing journal and crafts.
But now that you asked us to say hi, I thought I would do just that.
My own blog is very new but you're welcome to pop by and take a gander. :)
Hugs from Zooeylovesbugs
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