Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Artist Showcase: David Petersen

So many of you know that my fiancé Ian is a HUGE comic book nerd. He's obsessed, haha. Hence, I spend a lot of time collecting certain series myself and going to different comic book shops with him. It's actually really interesting and fun. I tend to focus on and collect mainly indie comics because i love the artwork. Well this past Saturday was Free Comic Book Day nationwide, so Ian and I made the rounds at all the local comic shops and collected our free promotional issues. SO much fun! My favorite piece that I collected from the day was Mouse Guard which is written and illustrated by David Petersen.

I love his style of artwork and those little mice are so cute! Armed and powerful, his little mice battle whatever challenge they might encounter each season. After getting this comic, I decided to research David Petersen a little bit and his art is even better than I imagined. He does MANY different characters and projects as well as commissions. So I just wanted to share a little of his art with you all because I think it's beautiful. <3

So you can check out his blog or his artwork and feast your eyes on the yummy lines and interpretations of different characters. His perception is simply comic-like and magical.

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