Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I've got the Doodle Bug

Today I'm going to share some sketchbook pages again! I've been told numerous times how much you all love to see peeks into my journal, so I thought I would share some recent ones. I always post them to my flickr but I sometimes forget that not everyone looks at my photostream, so yeah. haha Here are some recent pages from my journal that have been done primarily during class, in the car, or at the library. I hardly have time for anything but work and school, so getting to draw is quite the release and treat for me!

Most of my pages lately have been about falltime mostly because that's what's been inspiring me the most. Not pictured are a lots of lists relating to the wedding, to do lists, apartment, and ideas for my journal or blog. I love drawing the little versions of my people. They might be my favorite thing to draw because I love grabbing the personalities of them and putting them on paper.

If anyone has any questions about journaling, getting started, prompt ideas, or any supplies I use, Just leave it in the comments! Thanks for looking, lovelies!

Also, I've gained quite a few new readers lately, so if you're new here, SAY HI!


pRiNcEsS aNnA said...

very nice miss laney jane!! i like the paper dolls. oober cute. love you!!

Jamie said...

I found you on Listography, and you are a favorite of mine there. And now I follow your blog! I enjoy your lists and writing a lot! =]

P.s. Hi!

miss teacups said...

your journal pages are so perfect. i know that they're just doodles but they are so cute!! you should seriously start making prints for your etsy and doing commissioned pieces, like maybe someone with a song lyric or saying for you and then you run with it.

the font that you do always look pristine too.

Tiffany said...

love your doodles!!! very cute!!! you should really get them printed!! they would make CUTE scrapbook papers!!!

angela said...

i could look at your journal pages forever...i just die. swoon!