*Pack boxes for Mom & Dad to take home on Saturday.
*Upload random recent photos from camera.
*Get a wedding shower gift for Andrea & Mike. Shower on Saturday.
*Print remaining Save the Date cards
*Cut Save the Date cards
*Take pics of Gemma in dress #2.
*Deposit Mandy's dress money in bank account.
*Buy iron supplement pills.
*Fill out second round of job applications (5)
*Baskin Robbins trip with Ian & Tori.
*Make trips to Anderson with summer clothes and craft supplies.
*Meet with wedding photographer on Monday.
*Meet with wedding DJ on Sunday.
*Sell back textbooks to T.I.S.
*Defrost mini fridge.
*Picnic and kite-flying day with Ian.
*Talk to Professor Kellogg about thesis.
*Meet with Peer Mentoring partner to schedule Honors 100 class for fall.
*Get addresses for relatives in N.C. from Nana.
*Print out list for Dr. appointment on May 10.
*Talk to Auntie about bridesmaid gifts.
*Print out resumés to attach to applications.

So that's a little taste of my coming week. Busy busy busy! From now until I graduate in December, this is how it's going to be, I have a feeling. Oh well! I can sleep when I'm dead, right? <3
Wow, that IS a crazy list! Good luck! I know you can do it ::HUG:::
You are just so cute. And so busy! Good luck getting every thing done!
wow a very long list! i kinda like being busy myself !
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